Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Laughs


Happy Holidays

This week has been a very special week for our classroom family. Giving, caring, and sharing were the common words shared this week. Some of the activities we were involved in are listed below:
1. Stocking Stuffers - on Monday the kids made their own personal stockings. We hung them under our board with care ;) We spent time throughout the week writing each other notes of good wishes. The kids requested that we make stockings for everyone who help us throughout our everyday lives at BCE. The students weren't allowed to look in their own stockings until today. The students delivered the stockings around the school and then we sat on the carpet together and opened our stockings. I loved watching them read their notes. Genuine smiles and thank yours were exchanged.
2. Surprise Gift - the students were each given a piece of paper to draw a gift that they either wanted to give or receive. Below they were to describe the gift. We covered the gift with wrapping paper and hung them up with bags for everyone to guess their gift. Throughout the week students guessed each others gifts.
3. Snowflakes for a good cause- Recently some sadness has overcome a school in our nation. Several classrooms joined together making snowflakes for a good cause. I told the students that their snowflakes were going to welcome some students into their school after the New Year. These were shipped today and will be dangling from the ceiling in a very special school.
4. Christmas readers - I LOVE Christmas books!!!!!! I have so many to enjoy that the kids came up with the idea of inviting a kinder class to come to our room to enjoy them with us. It was great seeing them reading and getting involved in the magic of the season.

Below are the pictures taken throughout his week.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Seminole Tribe

The Seminoles location was in Everglades, Florida. They had to live with alligators and bobcats. The Seminoles ate deer, turtles, alligators, and so on. The Seminoles loved in chickee huts. Over all the Seminoles took over the Everglades.

The Arapaho Tribe

Interesting facts: here are some interesting facts if you would like to know. Niwot was a famous Arapaho leader. Hebe (pronounced " he-be") is a greeting used among men. Tose (pronounced " Tose") is a greeting used upon women, and haho (pronounced " ha-ho") means thank you. Their flag color is red, white, and black. When horse's were not introduced. They used dogs to pull their stuff. Their most used weapon was the bow and arrow.

The Ute Tribe

Do you know some facts about the Ute Indians? If you don't we will tell you about the Ute Indians!! Read on to find out more about the Ute Indians.

Some fun facts about the Ute Indians are that they make left over food for clothing and lives in a brush shelter that can hold 12 people in one tepee.

The Pomo Tribe

The types of food the Pomo ate were bear,rabbit,deer,elk,salmon and eel also birds and alligator.They hunted their food with spheres and other tools the trap the used to capture their food while they where sleeping is a rope tied to a tree they use these tools so they can eat. Or they will die of starvation

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our Native American Museum

We invited Mrs. Kinstler's class to come and enjoy our museum. The kids did a great job presenting their projects. The students will be typing up a paragraph this week and putting it with a picture on the blog this week. So stay tuned...

Bobcats of The Month

Congrats to our Bobcats of the Month!!!

Math award was given to Jovain. He has shown above the rest by participating and always trying his best.

Writing award was given to Trinity. When she is writing, she is starting to weed out the information that is not needed in her writing. This I helping her focus and stay on topic.

Reading award was given to Daniela. We have really been focusing on being active readers, meaning highlighting, writing notes in the margins, asking questions,and using strategies as they read.

Awesome job guys!!!!