Wednesday, April 25, 2012


FCAT is OVER!!!!  The students were so pumped that I wanted them to share their feelings about it being over.  Here are the "tweets" below:
  • Best day of my life the stupid FCAT is over! - Ryan
  • The FCAT is Dead!  - Jenisa
  • I'm glad the FCAT is over now.  I don' thave to worry about it again.  - Johnny
  • I'm so happy the FCAT is over. I'm relieved and glad.  - Mackenzie
  • I'm glad the FCAT is done because sometimes it was really hard for me.  I am happy it is done!  - Tatiana
  • YES!!!!!!  I'm so happy that I don't have to do the FCAT in elementary school ever again. - Sam
  • I feel relieved that the FCAT is over and that I won't have to take it ever again in elementary school.  - Haley
  • I'm so happy the FCAT is over!!!  - Sarah
  • The FCAT is over!!!  Ahhhhhhhh!!!!  - Eli
  • Yeah!  The FCAT is over!  - Darien
  • The FCAT is gone forever! - ????
  • Yes!  It is finally over! - Sebastian
  • Yeah, it's over! - Daimein
  • The FCAT is finally over! - Sabrina
  • Finally, the FCAT is over! - Vanessa

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Good morning!  We have begun "tweeting" in our classroom.  No, we are not going on Twitter during school hours, but we are posting our thoughts on a board and treating it like Twitter.  The students have posted the following "tweets":

Question:  What are your feelings about FCAT next week?  Do you feel prepared?  If not, what can you do to feel prepared by Monday?   (April 12, 2012)
  • I feel pressured over the FCAT because my mom expects 5's and 6's.  The only way I can be ready is if I "chill out" because when I get the test I make the easy questions harder and get it wrong.  - Jenisa
  • I feel ok on the FCAT.  I think I will be a 5 on the evil test to get the 5 I will get rest.  - Cody
  • The gigantic FCAT is next week and I'm not scared.  I'm going to get a 5 or 4 on teh gigantic test. - Eli
  • In order to do good on the FCAT, I will pay attention to my teacher, not mess around, and be on my best behavior. - Sam
  • I feel 50/50 about the FCAT.  I practice for it but I'm not sure if I can finish it.  I feel this way because I am sometimes slow at Reading.  - Vickie
  • I feel ok about theFCAT andI will pass. - Ryan
  • I feel confidence about the FCAt and nervouse about it too because of the time we get 1 hour 10 minutes for each sumester reading/writing/ social studies/science and of course math. - ???
  • I feel I am ready for the FCAT and I am at least going to get a 4 on the big test and do the best to my ability - Sarah
  • I feel that I am prepared for the FCAT and I will probally make 3 on the FCAT reading .I think I should practice more at school and at home. - Aliyah
  • Im prepared for the FCATnext week because I will get tons of sleep and eat a filling breakfast - Mackenzie
  • I feel confedent and ready for the FCAT next week. I am very prepared and can eat alot of protien for breakfast and I'll make an 6 on my FCAT - Haley
  • I feel that I study all year so I think Im going to get a 4 on the FCAT !!! I feel really prepared!!! - Tatiana
  • I feel great about the FCAT. as long as I go to bed early on sunday. I will get a 3 or above. - Vanessa
  • I feel ok about the FCAT.  I am really prepared but I will get good sleep and eat something good in the morning.  - Sabrina
  • I feel goo about the FCAT .  I feel totally prepared and I will get a 5.  - Darien
  • I am strested out over the FCAT.  My trick is to kick back and relax. - Lane
  • I feel great about FCAT next week.  I also feel prepared about FCAT.  I will review everything my teacher has taught me.  - Sebastian