Monday, September 10, 2012

Bobcat for the week of September 3rd

Congratulations to Zach for being a model student in our classroom! He is continually helping others and our classroom family.

What I want my classmates to know about me is that I love to play soccer and tennis. But I don't like to play golf and hockey. For my free time I like to play video games and watch a movie with my mom or my dad. Something that frustrates me is when I have a lot of homework to do that takes me an hour. My favorite foods that I like are pizza, ice cream, Cheetos, and Doritos. My least favorite foods are green beans, pears, oranges, and any other fruit or vegetable. I think I was chosen as weekly bobcat because I keep helping my classmates and Mrs.Boyd. and I just want to help out my class as much as I can!

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